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The Faculty started it’s activities on august of 1986 with four bachelor's degrees: English Language and Literature, Spanish-American Language and Literature, History and Philosophy; occupying the UABC Preparatory School facility in the Juarez colony.


Because of its nature and orientation, the Faculty of Humanities is the only alternative for superior education in Baja California that offer an academic space for studying these disciplines. During its 25 years, it has offered education opportunities, modifying them to the needs of its context and environment. For that reason, in 1990, during the second semester of the year, due to the lack of applications for the English Language and Literature bachelor’s degree, a new bachelor’s degree was incorporated a year after: Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. In 1992, during Luis Llórenz Báez term as headmaster, the school moved to its actual facility: the university campus in Otay.


The Faculty, inside University Reform guidelines and the increase in educational offers, included the Pedagogy Programs, fundamentally aimed to the development of professionals in teaching so they can provide attention to the basic educative levels and higher levels as well.


With these new promises, and convinced about providing solutions for the clear and obvious necessity of educational programs, and with the Degree in Teaching of Language and Literature, the Degree in Teaching of Mathematics and Psychopedagogical Counseling that society demanded, a new proposal of education was formulated in 2004. In august of 2009, the Faculty began to offer the Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology.

Since its beginning, the Faculty of Humanities has been the designated forum for the presentations of the most important academics, writers and intellectuals from Mexico and other countries. In the firm conviction that UABC has to give back to the society that formed it, those same four degrees were evaluated by external academics, and by january of 2006, Communications and History were credited as high quality educational programs by the Association for Accreditation and Certification in Social Sciences (ACCECISO in spanish). 

In july of the same year, Spanish-American Language and Literature and Philosophy were recognized as level one educational programs by the Education, Art and Humanities Committee, which is part of the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Superior Education (CIEES in spanish).


Finally, the degrees in Language and Literature Teaching, Mathematic Teaching and Psychopedagogical Counseling obtained formal accreditation on behalf of the Education and Pedagogy Program Evaluation Committee (CEPPE in spanish) in a recent manner, meaning more than 90% of the student population in the university studies in programs recognized for their high quality, and which continue to evolve and grow t become better adjusted to society’s needs.

The Faculty of Humanities, thanks to the support from the university’s authorities, has gathered all its achievements and continued to take the best parts of what students, teachers and graduates have given. Because of that, UABC has a more than adequate installations and infrastructure, as well as technologically updated equipment for better student experiences.

 Its graduates are placed on the top educational, cultural and mass media institutions of the region. In 2002, in co production with The Cultural Center of Tijuana (CECUT in spanish), this campus produced 2 programs, one for radio broadcast (Cultural Parallel, that was broadcasted by University Radio) and the other for television (Culture frame by frame, broadcasted by channel 21 in Tijuana), and the second continues to be aired weekly by the students and teachers of its now 8 bachelor’s degrees. Both shows, aside from being the daily insight of cultural life in Baja California for the past 5 years, are a clear demonstration of the creative capacity that our students have.

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