Servicio Social
Es el conjunto de actividades formativas y de aplicación de conocimientos que deben realizar, de manera obligatoria y temporal, los alumnos que cursan estudios de técnico superior universitario y de licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. El Servicio Social es una obligación de carácter público y una de las funciones relevantes de las instituciones de educación superior; constituye un proceso educativo que tiene la finalidad de formar al prestador.
¿Cómo se realiza el Servicio Social?
El servicio social universitario está estructurado en dos etapas:
¿Qué es?
La primera etapa o Servicio Social Comunitario (SSC), abarca el conjunto de actividades que realizan los alumnos que cursan estudios de licenciatura, encaminadas al fortalecimiento de su formación valoral; no requiere de un perfil profesional determinado. El SSC comprende la prestación de un mínimo de 300 horas y debe realizarse durante los primeros semestres de la carrera.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para iniciar el Servicio Social de Primera Etapa?
Haber tomado el taller de inducción
Tener una unidad receptora
Solicitar su alta como prestador de servicio social
Servicio Social 1era Etapa
La segunda etapa o Servicio Social Profesional (SSP), abarca las actividades que realizan los alumnos tendientes a la aplicación de conocimientos, habilidades, aptitudes y valores que hayan obtenido y desarrollado en el proceso de su formación universitaria. Comprende la prestación de un mínimo de 480 horas en un tiempo no menor de 6 meses ni mayor de 2 años, dependiendo de la unidad receptora y las actividades a realizar.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para iniciar el Servicio Social de Segunda Etapa?
Tener concluido el Servicio Social de Primera Etapa
Haber tomado el taller de inducción al SSP
Contar con el 60% de su carga académica
Tener una unidad receptora
Solicitar su alta como prestador de servicio social
Servicio Social 2da Etapa
Social Service
What is social service?
It is the set of training activities and application of knowledge that must be carried out, on a mandatory and temporary basis, by students who study degrees at the Autonomous University of Baja California. The Social Service is a public obligation and one of the relevant functions of higher education institutions; It constitutes an educational process that aims to train the provider.
How is the Social Service carried out?
The Social Service is divided into two stages:
* The first stage, or Community Social Service (SSC), covers the set of activities carried out by students studying for a bachelor's degree, aimed at strengthening their value training; it does not require a specific professional profile. The SSC requires a minimum of 300 hours and must be done during the first semesters of the race.
* The second stage, or Professional Social Service (SSP), covers the activities carried out by students tending to the application of knowledge, skills, aptitudes and values that they have obtained and developed in the process of their university education. It requires a minimum of 480 hours in a time not less than 6 months or more than 2 years, depending on the receiving unit and the activities to be carried out.
What are the requirements to start the Social Service?
First stage:
* Have taken the induction workshop to the social service
* Have a receiving unit
* Request your registration as social service providers
Second stage:
* Have completed the 1st stage of social service
* Have taken the induction workshop to the social service
* Have 60% of your academic load completed
* Have a receiving unit
* Request your registration as a social service provider
Where can the Social Service be performed?
The social service can be carried out in any federal, state, municipal, social and university institution, as long as it is duly registered as a receiving unit. The social service programs are reviewed and evaluated by the social service commission of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which meets once a month during the semester, and once reviewed the report is approved or rejected. To all students who have not taken the 1st Stage Social Service Induction Workshop, we invite you to participate in the following dates:
1st Stage Social Service
C. Nefty Josué Ontiveros Partida
Extension: 55732
2nd Stage Social Service
Dr. Ana Marcela Mungaray Lagarda
Extension: 55713
Schedule: Monday through friday from 9AM to 1PM and 4PM to 5:30PM.